Being a car owner comes with a host of responsibilities. You need to keep an eye out for regular repair and maintenance of your card to keep it in tip-top shape. Getting your Car Wheel Alignment done is one of the regular maintenance tasks.
To assist you with this job, we have crafted this comprehensive guide to show you how often you should get your car’s wheels aligned. Apart from this, we will also discuss a number of commonly asked questions regarding wheel alignment. So join us to learn more.
What Is Car Wheel Alignment?
A wheel alignment is an adjustment done by a professional to your suspension system to ensure that your tyres are in the correct position. Also known as tracking or tyre alignment, such car alignment is necessary because if your car’s wheels are out of place, then it can cause issues. Your tyres can wear out quickly or unevenly, leading to a turbulent experience while driving. To know how to prevent such issues, it is important that you know.
What Can Cause Your Wheels To Get Misaligned?
Your car’s wheel balancing and alignment contribute to a pleasant experience while driving. However, if your car’s wheels are misaligned, it can cause serious issues in the long run. To prevent such problems, it is important to know the reasons behind uneven car wheel alignment.
- If your car hits a pothole while driving
- If you take a number of road trips
- If the car gets into an accident
- Regular wear and tear
- Bumping into concrete or the curbside
Should I Get My Car Wheel Alignment Done?
Of course, getting the mobile wheel alignment Perth is an important step that you must take to keep your vehicle in top shape. Here is a list of benefits that you will reap once you get the alignment done:
- Your vehicle will be stable on the road, and you will be able to handle it better
- The suspension and steering components of your vehicle will last longer
- With a wheel alignment service, you can increase the lifespan of your car’s tyre
- You can increase the fuel efficiency of your car by 7%
- If you are someone who frequently drives in wet conditions, then with a car alignment, you will be able to stop your car safely.
Although you are now acquainted with the benefits of wheel alignment, you must also know about wheel balancing.
Wheel Alignment V/S Wheel Balancing
There is a major difference between car wheel balancing and wheel alignment. In this section, let us compare the two.
The former deals with the distribution of your car’s overall weight around the tyre and wheel assembly. It makes sure that the mass of the tyre and the wheel are distributed evenly so that your car does not experience vibrations or wobbling at various speeds.
On the other hand, wheel alignment refers to adjusting the angles of your vehicle’s wheels as specified by the manufacturer. It majorly involves adjusting a few things like toe angles, castor, and camber. Proper alignment from a reputable mobile auto mechanic will ensure that your car’s wheels are parallel to each other so that you can have a smooth ride.
When Should I Get My Car’s Wheels Aligned And Balanced?
As a responsible owner, you must know when to take your vehicle to a mechanic for wheel balancing Perth. Here is a list of signs to look out for:
- If you notice that your steering wheel is not going back to its normal position once you have turned the wheel, you might require a wheel alignment.
- While driving, if you notice that your car is drifting off to one side, you must book an appointment with your mechanic.
- If you notice that your car is pulling in a direction even if your tyres are inflated, then it might be due to wheel misalignment.
- The steering wheel of your car may vibrate due to misaligned wheels.
- Uneven tyre-wearing patterns may indicate that your wheels are not properly aligned.
- If you generally drive on rough terrains, then you must visit your mobile car mechanic more than once a year.
- If you have been going through a lot of bumpy roads, then it is essential that you conduct a thorough check of your vehicle as soon as possible.
- Although there is no such time frame within which you should get your wheel alignment or balancing services done, we would recommend you for a thorough evaluation every 2 to 3 years. Otherwise, you can get such services done when you install new tyres.
How Is Wheel Alignment Done?
This is not a do-it-yourself project; therefore, we recommend that you consult experienced mobile mechanics in your area. The process involves much more than just making sure that your wheels are parallel. There are three main factors, namely camber, toe angle, and castor, at play in this process. To avoid the hassle and get reliable repairs done, it is essential to contact a mobile mechanic service.
How Much Does It Cost To Get A Wheel Alignment?
Now, if you are wondering about the wheel alignment cost, this is again dependent on multiple factors, including:
- The scope of the job
- Your location
- Expertise of the mechanic
- The make and model of your car
- The types of tires your car has
To know the accurate balance and alignment cost of your car, you must get an estimate from a reputable mechanic like Mobile Mechanic Perth.
How Long Does It Take?
As the mobile car mechanic Perth knows your precious time value, they try to do their job as fast as possible without compromising on quality. In general, it takes about an hour; however, if there is too much damage, then it might take a longer time.
Bottom line
As car wheel alignment is an essential maintenance task that you cannot conduct by yourself or skip, it is essential that you contact experienced professionals like Mobile Mechanic Perth.
With their top-notch car repair services and commitment to quality, you can rest assured knowing that your vehicle is in good hands. So book a car evaluation with them today and get their services from the comfort of your home.