Ever wondered what is engine knock? It is your car’s weird knocking sound, and you can feel it coming from the engine. If you have, then you know how annoying this sound can be.
But don’t think of it as just another sound that will go away with time. Instead, it is something that you need to be concerned about since it can indicate that something is wrong with the car’s engine.
If the engine knocking when accelerating has been bothering you lately, you are in the right place. Here, we will explore the causes of this knocking sound and simple ways to fix the issue for good. So, let’s get started!
Understanding What Is Engine Knocking And What It Sounds Like
Your car with a combustion engine needs the right mixture of fuel and air in the cylinder to trigger ignition. If there is something wrong with the timing of this combustion in any of the cylinders, you might hear an engine knocking sound.
Most people overlook this sound simply because detecting it is not always easy. This sound is quite subtle, and you might hardly hear it while driving with music on. Keep your ear out for repeated tapping noise, like metals coming in contact with each other.
Another thing you need to remember here is that the severity of the causes of engine knocks will determine the loudness of the sound. The best way to detect and be sure about this sound is to turn your music down and try accelerating on a quiet road if possible.
Some Of The Common Engine Knocking Causes
Now that you know the answer to what is engine knocking, it is time to take a look at some of the common causes behind these knocks. Some of the most common causes include:
1. Damaged or Dirty Spark Plugs:

Things going wrong with your car’s spark plug is one of the most common reasons behind the engine knocking sound. These plugs are very important for your engine’s performance, and anything wrong with them can result in fuel ignition problems.
2. Improper Air and Fuel Mixture:
Your car’s engine needs the right air and fuel for optimal performance. In case you have issues like a vacuum leak or faulty sensors, it can mess with the mixture and leave you with a knocking sound.
3. Low or Incorrect Octane Fuel:
You must have seen petrol pumps selling different fuel qualities for different purposes. Each of these qualities has an octane number attached, showing how resistant the fuel is to abnormal combustion. If you use fuel with a lower octane number, the fuel might ignite prematurely, resulting in engine knocks.
4. Excess Carbon Deposit:
This is another common engine-knocking cause that needs your attention. Every time the car’s engine fails to combust, it leaves behind a layer of carbon. Leaving this uncleaned for a long can harden different components, further disrupting smooth airflow and causing a knocking sound.
5. Improper Ignition Timing:
Another relatively common reason behind the engine knocking sound is improper ignition timing. A combustion engine relies on intake, compression, power, and exhaust, which makes timing very important here. The ignition’s timing cannot be second earlier or later since it will result in failed combustion.
How To Fix Engine Knocking Sound?
If you are wondering how to fix the engine knocking sound, do not worry; there are many ways to address this issue. So, let’s take a closer look at these ways and get rid of this sound:
1. Change Spark Plug:
As you know by now, things going wrong with your spark plugs are one of the major causes of engine knocking. This makes it important to visit a reliable car diagnostic mechanic and get it checked as soon as possible.
2. Replace Cranks and Bearings:
Very often, worn-out or loose cramps and bearings contribute to large engine knocks. You must get them checked at engine diagnosis Perth and fix the issue accordingly.
3. Improper Fuel:
As we discussed the issue with the octane number, using the right fuel is a must-have for every vehicle out there. Your fuel must have higher octane levels to ensure it does not hamper the engine’s timing and gives you a smooth drive.
4. Clean Battery Terminals:
Your car’s battery terminals do not last forever, and you must replace them occasionally. For this, you can access mobile car service Perth to clean battery terminals with the right solution and fix the issue for good.
5. Examine the Engine Temperature:
Overheating is another significant issue that can result in engine knocking. First, you must examine the engine fans to see if they work properly to cool the engine. If you find nothing here, get auto-engine diagnostics to fix the issue.
How To Prevent Engine Knocking?
While you can always understand the cause and get the right fix from a mobile auto mechanic, it is always better to take preemptive measures to avoid these issues. So, let’s check some of these measures:
1. Ensure Proper Maintenance:
Regular maintenance is the best bet to avoid any issues with your car. There is no better alternative to this when it comes to avoiding issues like engine knocking sound.
2. Use the Right Octane Fuel:
Another important thing here is to ensure you always use the right octane fuel. This is important since avoiding this might save you a couple of bucks in the short run, but it will cost more with time.
3. Avoid High RPMs:
Driving your car at high RPMs automatically puts more strain on the engine. This might increase the likeliness of engine knocks, eventually leaving you no choice but to start searching on google ‘what is engine knock’.
Every car deserves good treatment, and yours is no exception. You must never forget that even the slightest engine knock can become devastating if left untreated for a long time. So, if you ever hear these engine knocks again, don’t think twice before reaching a reliable mechanic offering mobile car service Perth. The best experts will reach your location quickly and save you the trouble!
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